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Road Signs UK Test 5

road signs and meanings uk 2024

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Road Signs Test #1 Road Signs Test #2 Road Signs Test #3 Road Signs Test #4
Road Signs Test #5

Q:1-What does this sign mean?
Mark one answer:

Two way road ahead
Do not overtake
Your lane has priority
Oncoming vehicles have priority

Q:2-What does this sign mean?
Mark one answer:

The motorway ends here
The motorway is closed ahead, exit immediately
There is a low bridge ahead
The bridge ahead is out, prepare to stop

Q:3-Which vehicle is turning correctly at this roundabout?
Mark one answer:

Both cars
Car A
Neither car
Car B

Q:4-Where should you start indicating for the left turn pictured?
Mark one answer:

A) A good distance from where you intend to turn
B) In the middle of the junction where you don't intend to turn
C) Just after the junction where you don’t intend to turn
You should not indicate in this situation

Q:5-What does this sign mean?
Mark one answer:

T-junction ahead
Give way at T-junction ahead
No through road
You have priority at the T-junction ahead

Q:6-You see children playing on the road in a Home Zone. What should you do?
Mark one answer:

Drive around the children
Sound your horn, they have no right to be there
You should not be driving in a home zone
Wait for the children to move

Q:7-What does this sign mean?
Mark one answer:

Do not overtake
Your lane has priority
Two way road ahead
Oncoming vehicles have priority

Q:8-What is the correct way to navigate multiple mini-roundabouts?
Mark one answer:

Keep moving until you reach your exit
Treat all the roundabouts like one big junction
Treat each roundabout separately
You must not change roundabouts

Q:9-What does this sign mean?
Mark one answer:

Residential area ahead
Paddock with a gate ahead - prepare to stop
Level crossing with a barrier or gate ahead
Slow down, school ahead

Q:10-You have arrived at a box junction and you have a green light. Can you enter the junction before your path is clear?
Mark one answer:

Only to wait for oncoming traffic to pass before a right turn
No, you must not stop in the junction
Yes, you can queue through the junction
Only when you can exit the junction before a red light