free hazard perception test 14 clips :: Single White Line Road Rules :: Test Routes 2024-2024
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Hazard Perception Online Mock Test 12
Hazard Perception Mock Practice
We added 10 video clips which are very similar to official DSA theory test. You can get good idea how to do hazard perception in theory exam.
Instructions: Left click with computer mouse quickly after seeing hazard.
Hints and tips
When watching the video clips do not be frightened to click the mouse button whenever you see a potential hazard involving another road user (i.e. anything that you think may cause the driver to change speed, position or direction). Watch the hazard and if it continues to materialise continue to click the mouse button. This will ensure that you click within the scoring window.
Some of these potential hazards will not materialise and therefore you will not receive a score for spotting them. For example, if the cyclist shown in the developing hazard sequence on the previous illustration stopped at the end of the side road (i.e. at the 4 point stage) the hazard would not have materialised. In the actual clip the cyclist was travelling too fast to stop. This was the real clue to what was going to happen next.
In a few instances it is difficult to determine when a potential hazard becomes a developing hazard and therefore when the scoring window should start. This is why it is safer to click a few times as you see a hazard develop to make sure you don’t click too early and miss the opening of this window.
Hazard Perception Test Clip
In the example above (supplied by the DSA) you will notice a very young child riding a bike on the pavement. This alone may be classified as a potential hazard, particularly as the child is unsupervised.However, the scoring window on this clip doesn’t open until the child starts to turn towards the road to cross it as shown below and highlighted by the red circle. This is the point at which the potential hazard becomes a developing hazard and the scoring window opens.
Hazard Perception Test Clip 12
Therefore if you had only clicked your mouse button once as you saw the child riding her bike along the pavement you would have scored zero. Therefore, remember to click the button a couple of times as the hazard develops to avoid this problem.
The types of hazards you need to look for are:
Pedestrians or cyclists crossing the road
Vehicles emerging from side roads, parking places or driveways
Large vehicles moving over to your side of the road
Meeting oncoming vehicles on narrow roads or where other obstructions or slow moving vehicles make the road narrow
Where animals may wander onto the road
To further help you prepare for this part of the test we have included:
A section that contains the hazard perception and defensive driving lesson brief taken from the Learner Driving programme of driving tuition A section that shows you the scoring windows of each of the eight official hazard perception practice video clips supplied by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA).
Online Hazard Perception Practise
Anything which causes change in speed or direction or stop called HAZARD.
Hazard Perception test is introduced in 2002 and it is taken same theory test day.
Total time for this part of test is 15 minutes. You must identify upto 15 hazards from 14 video clips. Each clip contains 2 hazards.
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