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Hazard Perception Online Mock Test 02
Mock theory hazard perception test
Mock theory hazard perception test uk hazard perception test practice hazard perception test hazard perception practise hazard perception test uk hazard perception practice test hazard perception test 2024 theory test hazard perception hazard perception tips online hazard perception test
Instructions: Left click with computer mouse quickly after seeing hazard.
The most common questions we hear from pupils are about the hazard perception test. This is because, unlike the theory test, the hazard perception test doesn't have a definitive answer.
It is a moving, constantly changing video clip that requires the candidate to concentrate and stay aware of everything that is happening on the screen in front of them.
Practice Hazard Perception for free!
I'm sure you've read that line a few times! Well, the simple truth is that it isn't necessary to buy a hazard perception dvd to practice for the test, although many candidates do.The reality is that, if you are travelling in a vehicle, you have a hazard perception test happening on infront of you. It doesn't matter if you are sitting on a bus or a passenger in a car; the road situation will be constantly changing, with many hazards infront of your vehicle; some will develop, some won't.
When studying for the hazard perception test, we always recommend that pupils use every opportunity when travelling in a vehicle to watch the road ahead and begin to recognise situations that are likely to develop into hazards.
If the driver of your bus, car, taxi slows down - look ahead and ask yourself why it happened. Once you start spotting these situations early, you are basically doing a real life hazard perception test.
There is no big secret - it is that simple.
What does Hazard Perception mean?
In terms of driving - Hazard Perception means the ability to spot a situation (before it happens) - that might effect the speed and direction of your vehicle.
What is a Hazard?
A hazard is anything that causes you to change the speed and/or direction of your vehicle.
For example:
A cyclist is a hazard because a driver will have to alter their direction to go around them (they might also have to alter their speed).
A bend in a road can be a hazard.
If the road conditions are wet - the road has become a hazard.
If a pedestrian walks towards the road between 2 cars - there is a potential hazard.
What is a Developing Hazard?
A developing hazard is a situation that becomes more likely to effect the speed and/or direction of your vehicle as you approach it. For example, in the hazard perception visual explanation there are 2 potential hazards circled in yellow. However, only one of them (the cyclist) develops into a hazard that effects the speed/direction of the vehicle.
It's said to be 'developing' into a hazard because, as the video clip gets closer to the lorry, it's apparent that it will arrive at the same time as the cyclist e.g. it's developing into a situation where the vehicle has to slow down and change direction to protect the cyclist.
Hazard Perception - Visual Explanation
A simple explanation of the Hazard Perception section of the theory test using photos from the actual test more
How is the Hazard Perception test marked?
In Hazard Perception you will need to score at least 44 out of 75 You will be shown 14 video clips - 13 of the clips have 1 developing hazard, 1 of the clips has 2 developing hazards. Each clip is worth up to 5 marks - the clip with 2 hazards is worth up to 10 marks.
To score the maximum 5 points for a clip depends on how early you spot the hazard as it begins to develop. Therefore, if you spot the hazard after it has developed i.e. when the video clip gets to the point where the vehicle slows down, you may score 1 mark or less.
How many clicks am I allowed in the Hazard Perception Test?
You are allowed to click as many times as you want during the Hazard Perception Test. However, if you click too many times in quick succession you will not score any marks for that clip. This is to stop candidates from clicking continuously all the way through the clips.
Remember - you are clicking for a developing hazard: hazard perception explained
What happens if I keep clicking in a Hazard Perception clip?
If you keep clicking quickly during the Hazard Perception Test the clip will become void and you will not receive a mark for it.
The trick is to leave a sufficient gap between each click. If you think there are a lot of hazards in a certain clip - make sure you wait before clicking for the next one.
Remember - you are clicking for a developing hazard: hazard perception explained
What happens if I click too early in the Hazard Perception?
You won't get a mark. This can be a problem with the Hazard Perception test - you need to click inside the scoring window set by the DSA.
If you think you may have clicked too early - the best solution is to wait for a second and then click again. That way you will cover yourself if you clicked before the scoring window opened.
Remember - you are clicking for a developing hazard: hazard perception explained
Do I have to click where the hazard is occurring on the screen?
No, you are being tested on your response time to a developing hazard.
Therefore, in Hazard Perception you don't need to locate where the hazard is on the screen - you simply need to click the mouse when you think a potential hazard is developing.
Online Hazard Perception Practise
Anything which causes change in speed or direction or stop called HAZARD.
Hazard Perception test is introduced in 2002 and it is taken same theory test day.
Total time for this part of test is 15 minutes. You must identify upto 15 hazards from 14 video clips. Each clip contains 2 hazards.
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