How to pass your driving test

free hazard perception test

free hazard perception test 14 clips :: Single White Line Road Rules :: Test Routes 2024-2024

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How to pass driving test

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We want you to pass your driving exam theory & practical test as easy as possible. You can save alot of money which normally costs by taking all paid lessons. We make your license much cheap what costs normally. Our online learning center provides information that helps you to pass your test as quickly & as cheap as possible. On our website you will get all information about test booking, fees, nearest test centers etc.

Hazard perception test: DVSA guide to how it works

How to pass hazard perception test uk 2024

The hazard perception test is designed to test your response to developing hazards that you may encounter whilst driving. This is the view you see from your vehicle. Imagine you are driving along this road. This is how the clips will play in the test. The test has 14 clips. 13 of these have 1 developing hazard, but one of the clips will have 2.

Hazard Perception #1 Hazard Perception #2 Hazard Perception #3 Hazard Perception #4
Hazard Perception #5 Hazard Perception #6 Hazard Perception #7 Hazard Perception #8
Hazard Perception #9 Hazard Perception #10 Hazard Perception #11 Hazard Perception #12
Hazard Perception #13 Hazard Perception #14 Hazard Perception #15 Hazard Perception #16
You need to click the mouse button when you feel you are encountering a developing hazard. This is something that would cause you, as the driver, to take some form of action, such as changing speed or direction. A red flag will appear at the bottom of the screen to show your response has been registered. You can score up to 5 points for each developing hazard. So the earlier you recognise and respond to them, the better.
Don’t worry though - you won’t lose points for responding to other things even though they may not develop into a hazard. However, don’t just click on everything in the clip, or click in a pattern, because if you do, you’ll see a warning message and you won’t score any points for that clip.
Let’s look at the clip again. This time we’ll highlight the things you should have been aware of whilst watching. This yellow circle represents a potential hazard. As you can see, this does not cause you to take any form of action. Therefore it’s not a developing hazard and you would not be scored on it. This red circle represents a developing hazard. You can see that you would need to take action here, and you would be scored from this point… … through to this point.
So, concentrate and click when you see a hazard start to develop.

Theory Mock Test #1 Theory Mock Test #2 Theory Mock Test #3 Theory Mock Test #4
Theory Mock Test #5 Theory Mock Test #6 Theory Mock Test #7 Theory Mock Test #8
Theory Mock Test #9 Theory Mock Test #10 Theory Mock Test #11 Theory Mock Test #12
Theory Test Practice #6 Theory Test Practice #7 Theory Test Practice #8 Theory Test Practice #9
Road Signs Test #1 Road Signs Test #2 Road Signs Test #3 Road Signs Test #4
Road Signs Test #5

Common reasons candidates mostly fail in Practical Driving Test:

pass driving test

If you not give proper:

  • observation at junctions
  • accuracy in reverse around a corner
  • accuracy in reverse parallel parking
  • properly use of mirrors
  • Giving signals too early or too late
  • Car positioning at roundabouts
  • Steering control
  • Positioning when turning right at junction
  • Car speed

Eye Test before practical exam:

eye test driving practical

On you practical driving test day before test begins examiner ask you to read number plate from 20m distance. If you can't read this examiner will not make the test further.

Show me tell me question answers:

show me tell me questions 2024

In the beginning of your practical driving test, examiner ask two questions 1 for show me and 1 for tell me. If answer is incorrect, it will be counted as 1 minor fault.

Independent driving in practical test:

From 2009 DSA UK decided to include independent driving section in practical test. Main purpose for this is to check candidates decisions ability. You can get detailed information on (....) page.

Pass marks 2024

  • Must not commit any serious or dangerous fault
  • Must not commit more than 15 minor faults

Dangerous fault or Serious fault: Any fault which causes danger for you or for any other person considered as dangerous fault. This results as failed in practical test.
Minor fault: Faults like hesitation at junction that doesn't cause danger. Committing more than 15 minor faults could fault the practical test.
Pass rate for hazard perception 2024 Chart blow shows results for 2024 passing rate

Age 16-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69
Male 53.5% 44.5% 43.1% 39.2% 41.3% 19.3%
Female 47% 41.7% 39.2% 28.8% 27.9% 17.5%

Book driving test:

Note: Always book your driving theory or practical test by DSA official website or call center.
By online:
you can book your driving test through website link above. You must have driving license number theory test certificate number, visa debit/credit card.
By Phone: 0300 2001122
Phone no. above is DSA official number. You can call Mon to Fri between 8am - 6pm.
Cost of practical driving test 2024Uk driving theory test cost £31.
Practical test cost: Uk driving practical test cost £62.
After booking finished you will get booking reference no. Keep this safe till test day.

How many lessons need before driving test:

Well it all depends on budget, time and instructor availability. However 2-3 hours in a week is necessary for driving practice. If you in hurry then you can pre-book lessons, How many? It depends on experience you already have.Nissan Qashqai Dashboard Warning Lights
Its stressful and tiring but for getting license quickly its quite effective.